According to the National Center of State Courts, the high performance court framework lays out what court leadership and managers can do to produce high quality administration of justice, consistent of the following six objectives.
Administrative principles include the following: (1) giving every case individual attention, (2) treating cases proportionately, (3) demonstrating procedural justice, and (4) exercising judicial control over the legal process. The principles are rooted in realistic and obtainable expectations for each court.. Achieving High Performance: A Framework for Courts
The High Performance Framework establishes the four Administative princples as the common goal shared collectively by judges and administators. Overcoming the independence and automany of judges and administrators to develop a culture of consensus in pursuit on common goals is critical to court leadership's success. Achieving High Performance: A Framework for Courts
Perspectives concern how the interests and positions of different stakeholders involved in the legal process are affected by administrative practices. This is where technology, automation, and engagement play a vital role in achieving high performance.
The High-Performance Framework’s four perspectives are:
• The customer perspective;
• The internal operating perspective;
• The innovation perspective; and
• The social value perspective.
The two perspectives that can be measured and benchmarked are:
1. The customer perspective, these are the areas of effectiveness and procedural satisfaction.
2. Operating perspective, these are the areas of efficiency and productivity.
Combining these four perspectives provides an integrated approach to performance measurement and management.
Performance measure that are quanitifable and standardized. When interpreted
appropriately, such data provide concrete information on how well a court is doing its job. Moreover, there is a direct linkage between the performance areas and the underlying administrative principles of courts. In particular to the performance of the Court Customer perspective and the Operating perspective. Achieving High Performance: A Framework for Courts
Focused on the Innovation Perspective and use of performance results to refine court practices based on evidence-based innovations.
Fulfilling the Social Value Perspective by communicating job performance to the public and policymakers.. Achieving High Performance: A Framework for Courts
The High Performance Framework quality cycle consists of five main steps: determining the scope and content of administrative quality,
data collection, data analysis, taking action, and evaluation.Achieving High Performance: A Framework for Courts