Digital Case Information ported over from Digital Daily Docket iimproves effiiency.
Virtual queuing measurabily improves a traditionally anxious customer journey.
Fliexible, user interface, designed for easy of use. Transfer customer from courtroom to cashier.
Case Call.™court clerk interface makes it easy for clerks to manage, modify and prioritizes the court caseload, with features such as:
Auto Sort set key attributes to sort cases in priorty, i.e. cases with attorneys, Police, Witness
Go paperless with our API or manual upload of the Court cases scheduled for the day.
Syncing to the Digital Daily Docket Check-in suite.
Stand along CASE Call Courtroom Check-in Kiosk.
Digitally Optimized workflow - Case verdict to cashier's queue. Transfer cases to Cashier queue for collection, before customers leave the court house.
Reflects the demographics of court cutomers.
Reduce failure to appear rate by 30%
9 out of 10 Americans own a cell phone.
97% of cell phone users communicate via text message..
40% of smart phone users look up government services.
13% of low income Americans are smart phone dependent.
12% of Aferican Americans and 13% of Latinos are smart phone dependent.
15% of age 18-29 are haveily dependent on a smart phone for online access.
Optimial Mobile Collections strategy. SMS Click through rate for making payments is 36%, compared to 3.2% for email.
Court Q Messenger, is a multi-channel automated instant messaging, notification and communication suite.
Why messaging:
Proven effective channel of engagement across industries.
98% read rate. 89% read within minutes of reciept.
70% of US consumers value text and email messages reminders and or instructions.
70% of Professionals text for business, up 30% from 2017
Deploying Nudge Messaging, a behavioral science approach to influance decsion making, proven effective in reducing failure to appear rates.
Intregated with with Daily Docket, customers can optin to recieve case information, including mobile directions to thier courtroom.
A virtual waiting room with SMS notification and alerts.
Effective engagement for Jurors communication.